Category Archives: Male health

Situations that are prone to premature ejaculation in men

Introduction Premature ejaculation is a relatively common sexual dysfunction disease in life , but most people don’t know the cause of this disease very well, so what are the common causes?   premarital sex Some young people have sex before marriage. Due to nervousness and excitement, they ejaculate in a hurry , and it is difficult to change the established ejaculation method […]

Situations that are prone to premature ejaculation in men

Introduction Premature ejaculation is a relatively common sexual dysfunction disease in life , but most people don’t know the cause of this disease very well, so what are the common causes?   premarital sex Some young people have sex before marriage. Due to nervousness and excitement, they ejaculate in a hurry , and it is difficult to change the established ejaculation method […]

3 Manifestations and Methods of Man Qi Deficiency

These 3 manifestations of men are qi deficiency 1. Changes in stool   When men have qi deficiency, the shape of the stool is soft and sticky, which is mainly because of their digestive function problems. After waking up in the morning, some men will experience dizziness, chest pain and shortness of breath. This is due to the deficiency […]

Frequent holding back of urine is easy to develop prostate

Holding back urine is a common bad urination habit, especially among people who need to sit and work for a long time. However, holding back urine may negatively affect a man’s prostate health in the long run. The prostate is an important organ in the male reproductive system, responsible for producing and secreting fluid, helping to […]

Prostatitis can cause infertilit

With the increasing pressure of social work and life and the increasing openness of sexual concepts, the number of men suffering from prostatitis is increasing day by day. but you know what? If prostatitis is not treated in time, it will lead to infertility.   Prostatitis iscommon reproductive system disease in men . Symptoms of prostatitis include frequent urination, urgency, painful […]

The worst thing sperm do

Sperm is the carrier of life and the basis for human reproduction. However, there are certain behaviors and habits that can seriously affect the quality and quantity of sperm. This article will introduce the things that sperm are most afraid of, and help male friends maintain a healthy reproductive system and increase fertility. 1. Excessive drinking Excessive […]

Poor sleeping position can also lead to infertility

Men are a group of people with relatively high social pressure. Long-term stress can easily lead to physical fatigue. This negative situation is one of the reasons affecting male infertility. In addition, poor sleep posture can also lead to male infertility. Let experts introduce to you the reasons why improper sleeping positions lead to male infertility.   First of […]

Is there any direct relationship between impotence and masturbation?

Masturbation is a common sexual behavior among men and one of the standard methods of sexual life. Can masturbation cause impotence ? In fact, there is no direct relationship between impotence and the occurrence of masturbation. In fact, some people worry that masturbation will induce impotence, and some people actually have impotence afterwards. But modern medicine has proved that the occurrence […]