These lifestyle habits can easily damage sperm

We all know that the key to male fertility is the quality of sperm , and most infertility patients are caused by bad daily hope habits.

  smoking, drinking

  Studies have shown that men who regularly smoke are three times more likely to be infertile than men who have never smoked; patients with chronic alcoholism experience testicular atrophy, resulting in reduced semen quality.

  food packaging

  A study by German reproductive scientists has found that the reduction in sperm count in men around the world may be related to a chemical called phthalates. It is widely used in toys, food packaging, vinyl flooring, wallpaper, cleaners, lubricants, nail polish, hair sprays, soaps, shampoos, inner coatings of food cans, recycled milk and mineral water bottles, etc. of products.

  Oxygen bar

Healthy people, especially men of childbearing age, inhale oxygen that exceeds physiological needs, which will affect the metabolism of testes and sperm cells.


  Sperm must be kept at a constant temperature of 34–35°C to develop properly, and the temperature in a sauna is significantly higher than this standard.

  often wear leggings

  Tight pants such as jeans can cause testicular temperature to rise, restrict blood circulation in the scrotum, and bring resistance to sperm production and survival.


  Some men use women’s cosmetics freely in skin care. Some of these cosmetics specially developed for women contain a certain amount of estrogen, and long-term use will cause damage to male reproductive health.

  frequent mobile phone use

  Although there is no consensus on this conclusion, it is an undeniable fact that men who use mobile phones for a long time have lower fertility than men who do not use them.

  fast food

  Fast food contains a lot of soy products, and long-term intake of large amounts will show some estrogen effects, thereby inducing male reproductive problems.

  don’t like drinking water

  While scientists haven’t fully figured out exactly how dehydration affects male reproductive health specifically, it has been shown that men who drink more water are more fertile.